Apps and add-ons
28.05.2023 09:01

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Great interest in mobile ChatGPT

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay
Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

ChatGPT is popular for its ability to help users answer questions, solve problems, and provide information in a variety of areas. With its ability to generate natural language, it enables interactive and user-friendly communication, which contributes to its popularity.

Recently, OpenAI, the company behind the development of the popular AI robot, offered ChatGPT as a mobile application. This is currently available for both popular operating systems (Android, iOS). The interest exceeded all expectations. In just a few days, the ChatGPT mobile application has been downloaded by more than than half a million mobile device users.

The number is all the more impressive when we consider that ChatGPT has to contend with numerous fake applications. The imitators want to extract as much as possible in a short time. traffic with promises to offer the same services as genuine ChatGPT. But their time is running out. Both Google and Apple will have to make a dent in their store sooner or later.

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