Software and development tools
29.07.2023 11:00

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8 techniques to become a ChatGPT master

With the advent of ChatGPT, we all became experts in the field of artificial intelligence very quickly, right? Not really. There are still many ways to improve the user experience of the tools that are increasingly present among us.
8 techniques to become a ChatGPT master

ChatGPT continues to move in big numbers. OpenAI launched it on November 30, 2022, and in April 2023 it had 173 million active users. It learned from 300 billion words, including reviewed websites and books written by others. In April 2023, ChatGPT recorded 1.8 billion visits, including #14115.22 % Americans, while users spent an average of 8 minutes and 32 seconds on the site.

While many people use ChatGPT -3, -3.5 and -4 for a variety of things, from transcribing their e-mail messages, to generating ideas for writing blogs and "coaching", many users use ineffective instructions or. commands ("prompts"). It is logical that this is happening right now. “Prompt” engineer is a highly skilled role. None of us learned this in school. We have to learn all this now.

Let's take a look at 8 command-giving techniques that will help us become real ChatGPT masters.

1. Ask open questions

The use of open-ended questions encourages detailed and thoughtful responses, which enables the exploration of ideas and different perspectives. ChatGPT can thus become your partner for planning mind maps in meetings. Of course, then we have to look at what pnam has to offer and evaluate the result. Choose what to discard or explore further. You can feel free to ask ChatGPT about recruitment issues or weekend concerns, overload issues or any other challenge.

Ask an open-ended question and add as much context as you can, for example: “How can I better market my product (explain what this product is) to my target audience (explain who this community)".

2. Add context and constraints

ChatGPT can process large amounts of information, so give it as much information as possible. context that will enable him to do his job well. Think of ChatGPT as an intern with a giant notebook, only it memorizes everything and uses the information to formulate an appropriate response. If you ask general questions, you will receive general answers. Instead, tailor your questions to provide context and limitations.

A statement of context and limitations might look like this: “I run [explain what type of business you run and who it serves] and I have a marketing budget of [state the approximate amount per month you want to spend on marketing]. How can I increase my advertising efforts to reach a specific target audience [describe target audience]?”

3. Ask for specific advice and recommendations

If you are using ChatGPT that is connected to the Internet, you can ask things that involve web browsing. This allows you to get information beyond just text. You can test this by looking for specific tips and this is also something that previous versions of the program could not do. You can ask for platform or product recommendations. You can tell him about the problem you are trying to solve and encourage him to search for solutions online.

Here is an example of a command that you should edit accordingly: “Which [type of platform you are looking for] platform would you recommend for [type of business you] sell [product or service you sell], in terms of [factors you want to optimize]?”

4. Ask for pros and cons

Weighing the options can be very challenging if you do it yourself. Asking other people can introduce bias that you don't want to deal with. Asking ChatGPT to provide an argument can help you think more clearly and decide the best way forward. When you are thinking about what to do, ask "your friend" for his reasoned opinion.

These are the words you should type directly: “What are the pros and cons of [explain the decision you're about to make] for my [type of business you run] versus the [alternative path you would take] could you choose]?”

5. Request a step-by-step plan

Breaking large tasks into smaller parts is often a way to get things done with excellence. Managing huge projects is not easy. If you encounter any of these, ask ChatGPT for help. in these smaller steps. Ask him for the action plan you need to feel better about your to-do list and make sure you don't miss anything. released. Maybe ChatGPT will think of things you haven't thought of yourself.

Here is a command to break down larger tasks into simple ones: “Can you give me the key steps to successfully [describe the project you want to complete] for [describe your type of business or business], including Please include the details you want with [#141; For example, pre-launch activities and tracking results after the campaign]?”

6. Look for details in the data

Analysts review data, calculate things and make recommendations based on your goals. But you can do a lot with numbers alone. Ask ChatGPT to look for trends in your data and use them to decide your next steps. It is possible to get your analyst to do his job better and in less time by using ChatGPT data. In any case, the data view command is a great way to use ChatGPT.

Connect Google Analytics to ChatGPT, or copy and paste your information, then use this prompt: “Based on the [data you entered, such as my website analytics], what [decision you make, such as marketing channels, services or products to focus on] to generate more [results you want, such as qualified leads] for my [type of business]?”

7. Get creative ideas

When you wake up unmotivated and tired, you can use ChatGPT to get your inspiration back fairly quickly. Open a new conversation and ask for creative ideas. Be precise in specifying what the ideas in question are for and wait for the results. Add commands and directions to make ideas even more innovative and reflective, customize them your way and see how you could put them into practice.

Edit this command and copy and paste: “I'm looking for innovative ways to [result you want to achieve, such as increasing customer engagement] for my [type of business/business you have] . How can I use the [areas you want ideas for such as technology or gamification] to achieve [the result you want to achieve for your target audience]?”

8. Request a comparison between different options

If you cannot choose a path forward, you can toss a coin. You can leave the fate of your company to luck. Or you can ask ChatGPT. It will offer you a comprehensive comparison between the various options. Once you have the information, it will be easier to decide how to proceed.

Here is a simple command to decide between two scenarios: “Compare between [the first option you are considering] and [the second outcome you are considering] for [describe what type of business/business ]? The result I want to achieve is [describe the result you want to achieve with this decision].”

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