Web browsers
25.05.2023 10:16

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Bing Internet search engine became number one in China

Photo: Microsoft
Photo: Microsoft

Google obtains your personal data from all possible sources. Its key data source is, of course, the web search engine, which €œrecords” everything you search for and view on the world wide web. Google also collects additional private information about you via the Chrome web browser, in which you are logged in with a Google user account, via the Gmail email client and via mobile devices.

For this reason, all the more users are looking for alternatives that are a little more privacy-friendly, i.e. they collect only those personal data about users that are absolutely necessary to provide quality services. And as everything seems to be increasing users decide in favor of Microsoft's Bing web search engine, which is getting better every day. The internet search engine Bing is especially popular in China.

Bing is currently the number one search engine in China. In total, he finds it uses even more than 36.5 percent of all users. The internet search engine Bing gained high popularity due to its built-in artificial intelligence. In addition, it is built by default into many Microsoft services, such as Office, Xbox and of course Windows 11. Experts estimate that Bing will soon become very popular in other parts of the world, provided, of course, that Google launches its search engine too late with artificial intelligence (SGE). 

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